Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My 2008 Accomplishments

Here are a few of my accomplishments in 2008 that I think are worthy enough to be mentioned on my blog.
**these accomplishments are not listed in chronological order, nor are they ranked in importance. I’m just listing them as I think of them.**

 I completed the graduate program in Speech Communications at Texas Southern University. I don’t really think it is a big deal. But when I sit down and think about how I, a totally blind woman, have earned a masters degree, I realize that, maybe not for me and my standards, but for others, it really is a big deal, an accomplishment, if you will.
 I graduated from the masters program with a 3.96 GPA. (Yeah, I know I’m bad!) Would’ve had a 4.0 if it wasn’t for one of my professors giving me an A minus rather than a straight up A. But whatever… When you look at my transcript it has nothing but A’s on it.
 I convinced my manager to offer me a job as a counselor, even when I wasn’t convinced that I could do the job myself. During my interview, I was even shocked at how good I was at answering her questions. I handled myself in that interview with class, finesse, and straight up brilliance. That was nothing but God. (Thank you Lord for hooking me up with some favor and influence in that interview.)
 I convinced myself that I had the skills, expertise, and the insight that is required to be a good counselor. After working as a counselor for a few months, even though my manager and my mentor expressed full confidence in me, I wasn’t sure if I could “really” do the job. After working hard to do my very best, and noticing that my best was pretty good, I became convinced that I was indeed capable of providing excellent counseling services to disabled citizens in Texas.
 I didn’t quit my job when what felt like boiling water was splashed on me by a fellow employee. Instead of cutting and running, I stood my ground. Yes, my legs may have been wobbling while I was standing. But I stood and let the whole world know, including myself, that I am strong enough, bold enough, wise enough, and blessed enough to rise above any adversity that comes my way.
 I didn’t quit my job all those times that I felt like the commute was too much. I have to travel 47 miles to get to work. Even though I felt like turning in my resignations so many times after I got through filling our car up with George Bush’s expensive gas, I didn’t quit. I kept going to work and kept filling the car’s tank up with the over priced fuel. Maybe I am more committed to my job than I thought…
 In the spring of 2007, I celebrated my 100th blog entry, as well as Nuvision’s anniversary. To actually stay on task with this blog to post 100 entries and to actually do it for a year was major for me. (this year, I will celebrate 2-years as the author of Nuvision for a Nuday. But that will go on my list of accomplishments a year from now.)
 I engaged in some of the most exciting, challenging, and insightful exchanges in some of the blogs out here in the blogosphere. Boy, I tell you that some of the discussions that I found myself giving my input on were full of controversy and intrigue. But I managed to hang in there and hold down what I believed, without being bullied off the board. On one particular blog, I blogged using an avatar rather than my real name. But most of the time, I blogged under “Angie”, which is basically me, the real me. Anybody that is familiar with the blogs that I post to, should know how to find my blog. Plus, most of the times, there is a link to my blog when I post comments in certain places. But I digress… (Was that really an accomplishment? Well, it feels like an accomplishment after you get through winning a major battle of words on some of these blogs.)
 A friend of mine called me and asked me to commit to a major project that required me to sit my behind down and create a product with the written word. I am so proud that I actually started writing and kept writing until I was finished. On New Year’s Eve, I fedexed the manuscript to him for his review and approval. (Hopefully, in a few weeks, I’ll be making a grand announcement regarding this project.)
 I traveled to Los Angeles twice and had a fabuloso time! My friend, Miko, as usual provided me with a much needed good time when I was in LA to visit her. And yes, I consider relaxation and fun an accomplishment for me. If you only knew what I’ve been through in the last few years, you would understand why I consider my trips to LA an accomplishment.

Hopefully next year, I’ll be able to report even more accomplishments.

I’m sure you accomplished some things this year too. Share with me please. What are some of the things you accomplished this year?

Well, keep on accomplishing whatever it is you set out to achieve this year. I pray the best for you as you journey through this maze we call life.




Anonymous said...

Good job Miss Angela. You should indeed be VERY proud of yourself.

Angela L. Braden, Writer, Speaker, Professor said...

Thanks Mia. Come back again.