Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NuVision for a Nuday; The Book!!!

I have great news!!!!!!!!!!

I've decided to take some of my favorite essays from this blog and self publish my first book!!!!!!

The book will be a compilation of 100 essays, all from this blog. I plan to break the book into sections, such as coping with change and loss, family, overcoming fear and uncertainty, learning how to love yourself, and overcoming obstacles.

If there is a blog entry that you like the most, or one that you feel should be included, please let me know. I want you to be apart of this process!!!!!!! You are just as much part of this blog as I am.

Thanks for being my loyal readers, even when I'm not so loyal to posting new content. :) Hopefully, you'll be just as loyal when the book is released.

Spread the word about NuVision and the upcoming book project!


Angela Braden

1 comment:

Heber Brown, III said...

I am excited for you! You know, I'll be one of the first in line to buy that book! You told me a while back that I was one of the ones that helped inspire you to start blogging. Well, you have just inspired your brother to publish a book based on my blog!

Thank you, Angie! ....I'll start combing through my favorite NuVision posts to cast my vote for what should be included in your book.

Keep inspiring!