Saturday, May 17, 2008

Basic Disrespect

**I know that I made this little promise to not blog about issues on my job, but this is important to me. I need...I must make a point about the importance of accommodations on jobs. If you are an employer, consider my words.**

I cannot get those that have the authority to create change at my place of employment to realize how incredibly disrespectful it is to place a printed piece of paper in front of me, without even considering if I would like an accessible copy. They take out time to make sure that the employees that are def have an interpretor or a transcriber to translate verbal communication to American Sign Language or print. So, why is it that they can't take a little time to e-mail me the hand-outs, just so I can at least have an accessible electronic copy, that I can choose to read with the help of my computer with speech, or that I can print in braille?

Since I see them go out of the way and spend thousands of dollars to provide the employees that are def with reasonable accommodations, I really wonder why is it that they just insist on not understanding why the accommodations I request are both reasonable and necessary to help me do my job effectively and efficiently. It would appear to me that these people, that pay me a pretty good salary, would want me to do my best on my job. What kind of sense does this make? They want me to do the job, but they don't want to give me the tools to do my job. They want me to provide quality services. But they don't want to provide me with the same level of training they provide the other employees, so that I can provide quality services.

I've been working for this employer for nearly a year; and I'm finally getting a few of the reasonable accommodations that are necessary for me to do my job. And still, there are some, that are completely aware that I can't see a damn thing, who insist on questioning why do I need an accessible copy of training materials that they must feel are important enough to give to the sighted employees. If the training materials are not important, and listening to presentations are good enough, then everyone should have to just listen. No one should be able to take notes. No one should have a clue what the trainer thought would be a good idea to be on the overhead projector.

I sometimes wonder if they continue to disregard me because of my race and age. You know, it is possible... And it just might be my disability. I am one of two counselors, who have no sight, that have been "allowed" to be employed by my division in the entire state. What's up with that anyway? We are a agency that assist disabled people, including blind people to go to work, but my agency is tripping about hiring more than the two of us, and about accommodating us. This makes me sick!

I would file a complaint. But I know how these people work. They would come to work to make my life a living hell. Instead of them doing the right thing, providing me with the accommodations that are reasonable and necessary for me to do my job, they would just take offense to my complaint. They would take it personal. And you know how people typically respond when they take issues personally or with offense. They get catty, and they go for blood.

What should I do? Should I stand up for what I know is right and make enemies? Or should I stay quiet, deal with it, look for another job, and hand them my resignation for their continued disrespect? Or should I resign now and look for a job afterwards?


**I know that posting this entry on the net is probably professional suicide. Putting my issues with employer on the net for all to see is probably a no no. But they continue to disrespect me in public. So, I'm crying out about it in public.**

1 comment:

The First Domino דומינו said...

Angie, here's what I've done in similar situations.

I have prayed, and have resorted to the Wisdom and Power of God to handle such unfair situations.

She has never failed me.

I say this fully aware that you may not even believe in God.

If you do, well, you have your answer.

If you don't, well, you still have your answer. You'll have to rely on your own judgment.

Weigh your options. Look at all the pros and cons of a number of potential actions, and follow your heart, knowing that what starts well, ends well.