Monday, October 01, 2007

Recommended Blog of the Week: Faith in Action On Line

Okay, I know I said that I was going to recommend one of the blogs I find fascinating and/or interesting every Monday. Well, I haven't exactly adhered to my own little schedule. So, I'm going to revise this thing. I'm going to do this every other Monday. That sounds more like a schedule I'll comply with.

This week, I wanted to showcase my brother in Baltimore, Rev. Heber Brown. This brother is the reason why your girl ever decided to register an account with Blogger. I was thrilled by his content and commitment to various issues. Even though most of his blog is specifically relative to Baltimore concerns, I still enjoyed reading and commenting.

Actually, Faith in Action was the first blog I actually started making comments on. And for the longest (over a year), I didn't start visiting other blogs. But now, thanks to Heber's little inspiration, I enjoy blogging. It's a necessary diversion from the everyday grind.

To no avail, I now introduce you to Faith in Action.

Have a fabulous week!



Anonymous said...

So why am I like 10 days late seeing this? wow. Such a compliment. Thanks for the love Sis. I truly appreciate you. I even still have the very first email that you sent me on February 7, 2006. I'll share an excerpt with the world:

"I usually don't get into what any Tom, Dick, or Harry thinks about a subject. But your opinions are very sound, well thought out, and properly disclosed. You have a good spirit. Not to mention, your ability to write is great. My hat is off to a brother that can effectively communicate his stance on a subject.

Don't think I'm trying to feed you a bunch of bull. I'm just speaking my heart. Sometimes, we need to allow ourselves to
congratulate others for the good work that we see them doing. That's all I'm doing. Congratulating a young, black man on a job well done..."

Talk about a pick me up! You sure do know how to encourage. Isn't it wild that it's been 18 months sent we "met?" I pray we stay connected for a looong time to come. You are truly an inspiration.

Keep the Faith!

Your brother,

Heber Brown, III

P.S. - you know I have been ultra Baltimore focused over these past few months. I'll try to speak to more issues outside of good ol' Charm City. Lord knows I need to take my mind elsewhere from time to time.

Angela L. Braden, Writer, Speaker, Professor said...

Rev. Brown,

You know I got mad love for ya!

Keep repping Baltimore. Somebody got to hold it down.

I haven't been over there lately. But I'm going to run through there and check you out. Talk at ya later.

