Wednesday, January 24, 2007

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month.

While poking around on the internet, I found out that January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. That news immediately grabbed my attention. Why? Well, I'll tell you why. I have Glaucoma. In fact, Glaucoma is the theif that robbed me of all my eye sight. Glaucoma is a merciless disease that sneaks up on its victims and takes them down before they realize it.

That's why eye health professionals have made sure that the month of January is dedicated to increasing the nation's awareness of Glaucoma and its dreadful effects if it is not detected early and properly treated.

Make a new year resolution. Make an appointment to get your eyes checked. Take a loved one to get an eye exam. Early detection is one of the keys to beating Glaucoma. An estimated 3 million Americans have glaucoma and many of them are at risk of going blind because they are not diagnosed. Don't be one of those that is forced to face blindness because of late detection.

Who's mostly at risk of getting Glaucoma?
Those with a close relative with Glaucoma...
African Americans
People over the age of 60
People with Diabetes
People with hypertension
Steroid users

For more information about Glaucoma check out the Glaucoma Research Foundation's website.

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