Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Skin I'm In

Yesterday, while speaking on a panel discussion at a conference for the blind and visually impaired, I suggested that one of the ways a person can adjust to their physical impairment is by learning to love every part of oneself, including the parts that don't work so good or so fast. I never thought I would get to this point, but I'm learning to be okay with all of who I am. I am blind. And it's all good! I will never ever apologize for this skin I'm in. So, I depart from the shame and run towards the light of self-love and liberation.


Amenta said...

Angie, this post is "real talk" as some say.

Tanae' A. said...

Angie... it has been a while since I've been past here but I must admit that I miss this little breathe of fresh air. I must make this a regular vacation spot once again...

keep writing